The first documents of our house are from the 17th century. It is located on the main street of the picturesque town Sväty Jur, 10 minutes outside of Bratislava. Behind the front gate you find our beautiful garden and under both wings of the house are our cellars which is a wonderful place to create wine.
An old wooden door leads you down the stone stairs and you enter our small NABOSO world.
We love our cellar! We like to spend time in here, either in quiet times in the winter when the wine is resting or
during the peak harvest season when everything is turned up side down.
Our wines are fermenting in open vats (500-1000l) and then age for at least one year in used oak and acacia barrels from 225-600 liter.
Our whole work in the cellar is done by gravity and the only additive we use is sulfur, as low as possible and just when we think the wine needs it.